Tools for Thought Map Project, 2023-03-31


Analog vs. Digital Practices

  • no electricity = analog?
  • on a computer or smartphone = digital?
  • Tools: piece of paper, whiteboard
  • Tool: Kanban Board (analog) vs. Kanban Board (digital)
  • Practice: Planning PokerĀ®
  • Practice: card sorting
  • Tool: Post-itĀ® Sticky Notes
  • Tool: Obsidian Kanban
  • classes of tools and practicesz
    • eg Thinking exercise, cognitive habits...
    • maintain a MoC manually to help adoption
  • (not) Tools: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Jitsi - these are communication tools, not tools for thought
  • Tool: Group Works Deck
  • Tool: Federated Wiki
  • Tool: TiddlyWiki
  • Tool: Stroll

Adding Recommended Resources

  • after discussion, we strongly prefer "b) Bullet points in the Personal Profile"
    • it turns out the (a) solution's "advantage" is not an advantage

User Roles

  • naive outsider
    • people using the Map to find better tools and practices, or to compare tools they know about
    • want to find out how to accomplish something; they have a "Problem" or "Output" or "Goal" or "Use Case"
  • people adding to the map

Problems / Jobs-to-Do / Desired Output / Goal / Use Case

  • "I have a small project to run, how do I do it?"


  • ChatGPT exporter